Sunday, November 28, 2010


Was very tiring drawing these eyes i spent 2 straight hours on it and made so many mistakes.. but it was worth the effort, good practice.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The bummer

Yaa... the bummer. Was not very satisfied with this drawing, compared to my last attempt it seemed pretty horrid to me. I've definitely improved since the last 2 weeks yet i felt this drawing is more of a drop since my last try... but oh well.. guess not everyday is my day! better luck tomorrow hopefully!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Female Eyes

Pretty good for a first try i suppose. Hoping my next attempts would be more satisfyingly successful.

Gettin a tad better at eyes..

Used a reference this time while drawing.. n it didnt go too bad! i think i actually did pretty good. many mistakes in the right eye.. few in the left. but i guess if thts my first attempt im goin pretty well!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

yellow + red

I love this piece, i never get bored of drawing it, thought i'ld add some color to it this time. i kinda feel the red was a bad shade.. yellow was satisfying though, but yes there will be more tries for sure.

Give me any feedback on what colors you think could be suitable or would look better, i'm always up for suggestions.

Doodles Shmoodles

Been drawing eyes for well over 2 weeks now and starting to get the hang of it so thought i'ld move to drawing lips (above are my first four attempts at drawing lips); and build the basics of the lips while giving more detail and style to my eyes. Been experimenting a lot with these color lead mechanical pencils i bought... colors make the sketches more vibrant. Good Fun.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

C for Currrrllls

Most of my designs have been composed of very straight lines, thought ild try more curls in the mix. and the letter C is born.

Testing 1 2 3

Did not look as i expected it to... but ya was worth the shot..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I think an artist should never be afraid to share how he/she has done a certain piece, so i've managed to take a step by step process of how i drew the eye on my last post. i hope that it serves as a useful tutorial or just helps you feel more involved with my activities.

Monday, November 15, 2010


       Certain that my graffiti style is heading steadily in the right direction, I thought I would diversify my style. I've always had a great fascination with realism, and always wanted to learn but never took the first step. I plan to learn realism and practice it along with my graffiti style and someday join both styles together to form something new.

Harder Better Faster Stronger.

    Feeling more confident over time, i progressed by attempting to grow in medium. I started drawing in A3 using pencil and thin tip pens for extra perfectionism. Here are my two first A3 designs.

Practice makes perfect.

        I've managed to attract people's attention with my unique style, and have been asked several times to customize their laptops, hats, shoes, skateboards and other things. It was an interesting challenge, but i took it on as a form of practice, and it seems to have made me more confident.

Progressing with my style.

     I slowly start to brain storm and create more work of the ideas in my head. These are simple principles which i try to draw as identically to my imagination as possible.

First steps

   The above drawing was my first successful attempt at accurately illustrating an image in my brain. The origin of my style is difficult to explain, I've always admired three dimensional graffiti work and found drawing without reflecting back onto a source much more enjoyable and free. I value simplicity and harmony, and i hope to reflect that in each piece i design.